Home made Parma violet gin

Okay, so Mothers day was a couple o'weeks back, and my tribe bought me some rhubarb and ginger gin…  

Now, I feel I should say, upfront, that gin is my summer tipple of choice.

(Not winter, gin is far to cold and fizzy for that - winter is a time for red. A good, heavy red.)

Anyway, I got off topic; back to the gin. Now then, is it just me, or does there seem to be something of a gin-revolution sweeping the nation?

Which is fine with me, except there are so many varieties circulating that I find one, I like it, and then I can never find it again! It's a real trial I tell you.

So I've developed a course of action - I'm going to make me' own.

Yup, I tried it last year about this time, with parma violets.

Yes, you read right :D thank the heavens for amazon.

I ordered a box of giant parma violets, pulled a large mason jar from the pantry (holds about a litre) half filled with the sweets, and topped it up with regular old gin.

I gave it a shake every so often, and Boom! Summer deliciousness not to be forgotten. Now, it will go cloudy, super cloudy. But don't panic. I left this in the jar for a couple of weeks, and shook every other day.

I let it settle for a day before decanting, and I put a piece of muslin in a colander, over a bowl and let it drip, drip, drip. Honestly, it goes so thick and syrupy that its nice with ice and nothing else. But it works with tonic too. Did I mention it's probably not the healthiest? Ah well.

Next time, it's rhubarb or bust. I'll let you know how it goes.



Home made rhubarb gin.


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